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How To File Federal Tax Extension 2023

IRS Extension: Get More Time to File Your Taxes

Need More Time to File? Here's How to Get an Extension

File Form 4868 to Request an Extension

The tax filing deadline for the 2023 tax year is April 18th, 2023. However, if you're unable to meet this deadline, you can request an extension by filing IRS Form 4868. This form allows you to extend your tax filing deadline to October 16th, 2023.

How to File Form 4868

You can file Form 4868 online or by mail. To file online, visit the IRS website and follow the instructions. To file by mail, download Form 4868 from the IRS website and mail it to the address provided on the form.

What if You Can't File Your Extension by the Deadline?

If you're unable to file your extension by the deadline, you may be subject to late filing penalties. However, the IRS offers several options to help taxpayers avoid these penalties, including: * Reasonable cause: If you had a legitimate reason for not being able to file your extension on time, you may be able to avoid late filing penalties by submitting a reasonable cause explanation with your tax return. * Extension penalty waiver: You may be eligible for an extension penalty waiver if you file your tax return within a certain period after the due date and meet certain other criteria.

Additional Information

* You do not need to pay your taxes when you file for an extension. However, you will need to pay any taxes you owe by the October 16th deadline. * If you need additional time beyond the October 16th deadline, you may need to file for a tax payment extension. * For more information on IRS extensions, visit the IRS website or consult with a tax professional.
